I bless the day I found the docrafts forum, nope I'm not keen on their products but I have made the most incredible friends and I have had 3 days of absolute fun and laughs thanks to some of them.
Friday morning was road trip day and after a few
hiccups (thanks Ade.. not lol) me, Jackie & Tracy set off from Bristol at just gone 9 to pick up Noreen from the south coast then it was a up to one of my very favorite show & internet shops... Oysterstamps for about 2pm. We were met at the door by the man who thinks he's boss.. Graham, he must have recognised us from the Sincerely Yours shows in Taunton as he instantly said.. "you must be the docraft Bristol ladies on a road trip to Brighton" and proceeded to escort us in and bellow for the real boss, the lovely Tracy. Kettle on and I was whisked upstairs to say hello to my absolutely fabulous buddy Martine. It was really great to see them again, havent seen them since Taunton in March and they're such a hoot to be with. Then it was back downstairs into the shop where I have to be honest I just stood and stared... omg there was way too much to choose from, which first.. ink or rubber?? rubber or ink?? The ladies that work there are soo friendly and the other customers were very chatty as well. You can tell how chatty they were... it was quarter of an hour past their closing time and we were still teasing each other. Tracy, next time just say bugger off we're closed lol. I'm not going to tittle tattle on what anyone bought other than Kay.. who'd kept sending texts asking if we'd remembered to get her dies.. yes Kay.. they were the first thing in my sticky mitts lol.

Me, at Oyster Stamps.. I'm totally befuddled by the choice and really cant make my mind up lol.
I havent got the foggiest about which motorway we hopped on then for the quick trip down to our hotel at Burgess Hill, just like the rest of the day it had been nonstop chat and laughs in the car but I will admit to being pleased to see it when we got there, 6+ hours of driving and I was knackered.

Booking into the hotel was pretty quick and we soon sorted out who was sharing with who and even more importantly which had the big bed and which had the lil one under the window. Quick head down to the restaurant where we spent the next few hours eating and drinking. We were quite good and only had 1 proper drink.. the rest was tea or water. It was decided that we'd have a little wander to let our dinner go down and at 10.30 we headed off out.. to Tesco! If anyone had seen us messing about they'd have thought we were drunk or high!! Tracy wanted to climb into one of the kiddie rides then we were all screeching at a headline in one of the trashy gossip mags... something about leeches and multiple orgasms!! How who wouldnt have laughed at that! I bet Tesco were glad to see the back of us when we left. Back to our rooms we went and I was asleep within minutes.
Next morning we were up bright and early, quick shower and dressed before spending a leisurely hour eating brekkie then heading off to meet some of our docraft friends, Alex, Avril, Pauline and Peter at the Glitterpot. We'd already met Alex before so I knew (and liked) at least one person... sometimes when you meet folk off the net they really arent the fun people you thought they were, instead they're miserable old buggers who you can't wait to see the back of but this certainly wasnt true this time.

Within just a couple of moments of meeting it was just like being with best mates that you've known for years. I dont know what glitterpot were expecting but I bet it wasnt a bunch of grownups screeching and howling with laughter or the smutty remarks about Noreen holding Peters "bits" for him, or his remarks to Avril that it's been so long the she wouldn't know what to do with it! Poor Vickie from Docrafts was supposed to be demoing that day but with us lot stood by her table I dont think she had a cat in hells chance as we were scaring the other customers away lol. All too soon it was time to say cheerio, amidst hugs and kisses.. and a few damp eyes.

Alex, Tracy & me.
Jackie texting Kay back for the gazillionth time lol
Noreen, we're not sure what's tickling her fancy but a lovely candid shot.
Avril with her jar of lemon curd.
Avril chatting with Vickie while Pauline is laughing at something.. not sure what but chances are it was nawty lol
Alex had to go home to hubby and her boys (who I met a few years ago and Alex assures me are still as incredibly nice & well behaved). Peter & Avril went off for lunch, not sure if Pauline joined them or not and we headed off for the CraftBarn.
I must now publicly apologise again to the lovely lady demoing the Tando range.... I was sat by the table.. leaned over and a huge box of teeny shapes went flying through the air! Thankfully most landed in my lap and I very carefully, to avoid flashing my knickers, managed to tip them from my skirt back into the box on the desk while Jackie got the rest from the floor. It did break the ice tho and there was a lot of laughing going on at the table. Once we'd made our choices from the vast array of inks, paints & stamps we headed over the road for a much needed cuppa befo
re heading back home.
This wasnt the end of the trip though as we had playday today... homage to sir timmy where we were due to play about with inks & tags while regaling (making jealous) the others with our tales from the class with Sir Tim and our road trip. Jackie has a handy little gadget on her phone that measures noise... 74 decibels wasnt uncommon today!! We hooted and hollered all day long, and get this... I made 2 tags!! I never make anything at playday as I'm always making sure everyone is managing to do the project ok but today.. stuff it.. I had new inks, paints, pastes, stencils and stamps to play with and by gawd I was going to play lol.
From 9am on Friday until I said my final cheerios at 4.30 today I have laughed all day and evening and the only time it's been quiet has been while we were sleeping! I can honestly say this has been an amazing 3 days, roll on next spring when not only do we do it all again but this time it's going to be a convey with most of the other playday ladies coming to join in the fun. Once Jackie lets me have the incriminating photos I'll edit this post so everyone can see.
Huge huge thanks to you all.