Ooops, I've been a really really bad blogger lately. No excuses other than I've been so busy designing svgs for the cricut and scal then opening my new webshop.
I had an absolute ball yesterday meeting up with a load of my docraft buddies after Sandra graciously offered to host the day. Cheers Sandra.
Angie decided to demo a modular origami box and was supposed to be assisted by Sandra wearing her sparkly tights... no sparkly tights but she did assist most beautifully by keeping the kettle piping hot ;o)
Before I left I did promise to put Angies instructions into a step by step pdf, not sure if it's the pdf programme I use or the sheer volume of photos but the size was a bit hefty so I decided to use blogger instead.
This is the first of the step by steps, making the lid. Sorry it's further down the page but I'd already uploaded the pics before I thought of the viewing order.
You'll need to make the box.
4 sheets of 8*8 or 6*6 for the lid
4 sheets of the same size paper for the base.
Best not to use the really thin paper but really heavy or textured paper can be trickier to fold accurately.
framey card inside
up to 8 sheets of the same size paper, 1 sheet makes 1 page
1 piece of card per page cut to 7.5cms sqr if using a 6*6 paper, or 10cms sqr if using an 8*8
1 less than the total number of pages pieces of card cut to 5cms sqr if using 6*6 or 7cms square if using 8*8. These create the hinges.
After each fold use a bone folder or cocktail stick to sharpen the fold line. This will make for a neater box and help with the assembly.

Easier start
1 Fold the paper diagonally, open out, turn around and fold along the other diagonal.

2 Open out and fold one of the corners to meet the middle. Fold the paper diagonally so that the folded in corner gets tucked in and hidden. If using a patterned paper that has a directional pattern it's a good idea to fold all the papers in exactly the same place OR the exact opposite before moving on to the next stage.

Trickier start but keeps the sides and top crease free, not photoed.
1 Fold the paper diagonally, open out, turn around and fold along the other diagonal but only to the half way point. Again think of any pattern match.
2 Open out and fold one of the corners that has a crease line along the complete diagonal up to the middle. Fold the paper along the complete diagonal so that the corner is tucked in.

Turn the paper so that the folded in corner is on your left.
It doesnt matter now whether you do step 3 or step 4 next.

3 Carefully bring the right hand point over to the left hand corner and fold, unfold.

4 Fold the top down so that the right angled corner on the left meets the bottom of the folded in corner. Unfold.

5, last fold, bring the bottom point up and across so that it meets the bottom of the folded in corner and score only until you get to the 2nd crease if using the easier start OR the first crease if using the trickier start. Just in case that confuses anyone it's the crease line created in step 4.

Keep the fold in place and hold the point where you folded it to the tucked in corner with your left hand and gently pull the point on the right hand side down

Repeat for the remaining 3 pieces of paper.

To assemble gently tuck the pointed edge inside the straight edge of the next piece. Do not push them in all the way, just enough that the base starts to slip into the base of the next piece.

Once you have all 4 corners tucked inside each other gently flip the box over and gradually pat in each corner until they are fully tucked in.