I've been cardmaking for nearly 20 years and have gone through lots of different techniques. It took a long time to force myself to like stamping rather than thinking of it as a sometimes necessary evil but once I did that was it & almost all other forms fell by the wayside.
There are 2 ways of making the cards, 1, where the trapeze is mounted onto the base card (cards above) the other is cut directly into the base card. The first doesn't quite show the true cleverness and beauty of Trapeze but it does mean an insert and writing in the card don't show through. This one is mounted but the principles are the same. I'm using the stitching pattern on the pink & mauve card above. Because of copyright if you want to replicate it you will need to buy the pattern book.
Equipment. You will need a template and pattern. A 13cm square base card, 1 piece of thick card 12cms square, colour isnt too important if you will be covering the central area.12cm square piece of card to make a frame.A cutting mat, very sharp knife, scissors, pencil, low tack tape, threads, beading needle & seed beads.
1: To make the trapeze attach template to card with low tack tape and cut along the inner lines with a knife. Some people trace the area and cut freehand with a knife and ruler. I prefer not to do this as the metal template will stop accidental over runs.