Here we have a bookcard, made from 2 sheets of 12*12 paper. The template was made in Paintshop Pro, using rectangle & elipses to create the yellow layers. I then used inkscape to add a scallop border. Many swear words & tantrums later (I couldnt get inkscape to do what the tutorial said it should) it looked right on the screen. So everything was sent to SCAL to cut. It looks a bit rough but now I know the template works I can make one with "Best" card and decorate it. I think Tilda may be coming out to play.

This is made from four intricately cut squares and folded a la teabag before being stuck together. When closed it looks like a book but opens out to create a star. I have cut it by hand before but that was hard & long work so I only made 1 as a xmas pressie for a lady at hubbys work and swore I'd never make another. Along comes SCAL and the cricut and I just had to see if it could be done lol. All in all took 5 minutes.
The orginal pattern is one I've had on the pc for years and probably from Marivi Victoria Garrido, an incredibly talented paper cutter & origamic architecture artist I met online at yahoo groups several years ago.